I won peoples choice at a recent festival on the gold coast with this entry called "Digging for Freddo". Chalk on canvas done inside coz the weather outside was too wet.
Keeping a nautical theme in mind I ended up with this result which I donated for auction to help raise funds for Jessica Watson's solo around the world attempt this year. Go to www.youngestround.com
Another painting just following squiggles to see where they go. The camel and the humpback whales were actually in the squiggles almost as you see them.
One of my new style of paintings, sort of imaginary surrealistic. I really enjoy doing these; I just start with squiggles and follow shapes as they appear with no rhyme or reason.
Mum and my sister Nena(happy birthday Nena)are holidaying in England while we look after Mums friend Buddy. Here is Buddy with his chook!